Real Estate

The current real estate boom has brought fresh challenges to the underlying legal framework. Whilst the legislative process evolves, the interim period presents the property developer and investor with a confusing matrix of property ownership issues, since each real estate project has its own advantages and pitfalls.

The firm has had the exciting opportunity to have advised on construction and property law issues for some of the major flagship property developments in Bahrain. As such, we are fully abreast of developments in this evolving area of legal practice in Bahrain. This, combined with the experience of our specialist property lawyers drawn from established land law jurisdictions, ensures that the solutions we propose and the documents we draft are creative, practical in the Bahraini environment and based upon sound land law principles.

We are pleased to assist with the following:

  • Legislative & Regulatory Issues.
  • Financing & Securities.
  • Real Estate Investment Funds.
  • Freehold Transactions.
  • Common hold/Condominium and Mixed Use Schemes.
  • Long Term Leases - Residential & Commercial.
  • Short-Term Tenancies - Residential & Commercial.

Our lawyers are regularly consulted by government and private concerns upon major property development projects underway in Bahrain, drawing upon their knowledge and experience gained from more mature Land Law jurisdictions. In addition, an integral part of the Department\'s practice involves advising and assisting upon Landlord and Tenant issues in relation to retail, commercial and industrial premises. We assist with:

  • Pre-contractual negotiations
  • Preparation of Tenancy Contracts and Leases
  • Terminations and dispute resolution.

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